The Border Market of the Republic of Indonesia and Timor Leste, as a Meeting Place for Missing Fellow Tribes of Timor Dawan

The free market atmosphere at the RI-Timor Leste border. Source;

By: Fredy Suni

TAFENPAH.COM - The market is the place where the economy of a nation takes place. The bilateral cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and Timor Leste, especially in the border areas of my hometown, was used as a venue for friendship between the Timor Dawan ethnic groups who had been separated since 1999.

In race, culture, religion, and language, the people of West Timor, namely, North-Central Timor Regency and Belu Regency are still the same as the people of Timor Leste. Of course, this similarity became the forerunner of bilateral cooperation between the Government of Indonesia, in particular the North Central Timor (TTU) Regency, and the Government of Timor Leste, especially Oekusi.

The cooperation built between the two countries is to open a free market in the border area. This cooperation is very beneficial for both countries. Because in addition to material satisfaction, there is inner satisfaction. Where, the market is used as a medium, a means of meeting fellow families who have been separated from the Government of Indonesia since 1999.

Every Friday of the week, the District Government of North Central Timor (TTU) opens a free market in the border area, especially in the village of Napan which is the gateway to the entrance to the State of Timor Leste. The people of both countries are given the freedom to visit each other, as long as it does not exceed the line that has been determined by the two countries.

Friday is seen as a day of blessing for the people of the border between Indonesia and Timor Leste. Because every Friday, families who have been separated for a long time miss each other in the market area.

The function of the market is not only as a place where the economic wheels of the two countries rotate. Instead, the market is used as a meeting place between the Timor Dawan tribes who have been separated for a long time. As far as the five senses of the eye can see, there is sadness, happiness, a joy that radiates from the faces of Atoin Meto (The term for the Timor Dawan people who live on dry land).

The market is nostalgic for fellow Timor Dawan tribesmen. The nostalgia of fellow Timor Dawan tribesmen gives birth to a sense of humanity that transcends the metaphysics of time and space.

The presence of a free market in the border area is very beneficial from a financial point of view between the two countries. In addition, the benefit of free markets in border areas is the strengthening of the cultural roots of Timor Dawan between the two communities. Financial collaboration and strengthening Timor Dawan's cultural roots created a sense of peace, unity between the two countries.

People are happy, happy with the opening of social barriers between the two countries. State instruments are wide open for the sake of human values ​​in the border areas of Indonesia and Timor Leste.

Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow if you visit the border areas of Indonesia and Timor Leste, especially in my hometown, when you ask what kind of happiness they feel every Friday? Of course, they will answer, "The day of true independence as Timor Dawan people in the border area of ​​Indonesia and Timor Leste."

Yes, because they feel inner peace. Where for years, state instruments have built a dividing wall between the Timor Dawan tribes. Like, the East and West Berlin walls, after World War II.

The free market in the border area of ​​Indonesia and Timor Leste is seen as the collapse of the Berlin wall. Because of the unification of the Timor Dawan ethnic group between the two countries.

It is hoped that this model of cooperation should be developed by the two countries, for the sake of establishing a sense of brotherhood, peace, empathy by fellow Timorese Dawan tribes who have been separated for a long time. In addition, the free market is a means of bonding between the interests of the two countries in creating peace in the border areas. The goal is to avoid conflicts between communities in the border areas of Indonesia and Timor Leste.

A glimpse of the story of the children of the RI - Timor Leste border.

Frederikus Suni Redaksi Tafenpah
Frederikus Suni Redaksi Tafenpah Salam kenal! Saya Frederikus Suni, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Siber Asia || Menekuni bidang Jurnalistik sejak 10 tahun lalu. || Saya pernah menjadi Jurnalis/Wartawan di Metasatu dan NTTPedia. Selain itu, saya juga berkolaborasi dengan salah satu Dosen dari Binus university dan Atma Jaya, terutama Proyek dari Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI, dalam pendistribusian berita ke Pemerintah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Saya juga pernah menjadi bagian dari Public Relation/PR sekaligus Copywriter dari Universitas Dian Nusantara (Undira) Tanjung Duren Jakarta Barat. Saat ini fokus mengembangkan portal pribadi saya TAFENPAH.COM dan juga menjadi kontributor di beberapa website tanah air, Kompasiana, Terbitkanbukugratis, Eskaber, PepNews, Lombokainsider. Tulisan saya juga beberapa kali dipublikasikan ulang di Saya juga menerima jasa pembuatan Website || Media sosial: YouTube: TAFENPAH GROUP || TikTok: TAFENPAH.COM || Instagram: @suni_fredy || Terkait Kerjasama dapat menghubungi saya melalui kontak ������ || WhatsApp: 082140319973 || Email:

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