The Exoticism of the Savanna Trip to Sumba

Beautiful girs in Warinding Hill Sumba. Expedia
Writer: Fredy Suni

SUMBA, - Pampering the eyes with exotic natural scenery is everyone's dream. However, there are times, for those who live in metropolitan cities, it is difficult to get natural beauty.

Because metropolitan cities are always decorated with high-rise buildings or skyscrapers. Not to mention the population density, routine in the work environment, and also air pollution. Either from transportation modes two, four, six, etc., it makes the mind so messy.

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This problem will be solved if you visit the island of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara. Sumba is one of the most famous international destinations. Call it the big name 'Bukit Wairinding.'

This beautiful and exotic hill has become a subscription for the country's top celebrities in their spare time. Because there is a vast expanse of grassland, apart from being used as a location for the shuttering of several wide-screen films, as well as soap operas that always adorn the Indonesian public television screens.


Yes, nature is so tempting to simply relieve fatigue, from monotonous or rigid daily routines in the work environment.

Visitors will also be pampered with the hospitality of the local community which is widely known in foreign countries. Moreover, the local wisdom of weaving, which is very rich, will make your trip a journey full of romantic nuances.

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However, on the trip to the island of Sumba, of course, there must be a clear guide. Because remember, the terrain on the island of Sumba is not as easy as traveling in big cities. Or any other destination in East Nusa Tenggara.

Savana Trip is the right and effective choice for visitors. Because this travel service has advantages when compared to other travel service providers, which are already widespread in cyberspace.

Here are the advantages of Savana Trip

Friendly service, Responsive, Managed by young Sumbanese themselves

Friendly Service

Luna Maya. Lifestyle Okezone

The journey of consumerism and visitor capitalism will be a very pleasant thing. Because the service at Savana Trip always prioritizes customer satisfaction. The combination of humanistic experience or human values ​​and local wisdom of local culture should be considered for customer satisfaction.


Savana Trip services are responsive to visitor requests. Where, Savana Trip always prioritizes feedback or feedback that is mutually beneficial, between visitors and service providers.

Two-way communication here always takes precedence. Because after all, good travel communication, will bring incomparable pleasure, as long as visitors are on the island of Sumba.

Managed by Professionals

Beautiful girl in Warinding Hill. MerahPutih

Savana Trip is managed by young Sumbanese who already understand the geographical terrain. So, when visitors decide to use this service, visitors will have a very pleasant trip.

This young man always understands the wishes of visitors. Visitors' travel destinations will be spoiled with various exotic places, which have not been exposed to the media in general. This is the mystery of the romantic journey if visitors choose the Savana Trip.

As to whether the feel of the romance of your trip while on the island of Sumba, the choice is yours! Come, carve your travel history with us on Savana Trip.

Frederikus Suni Redaksi Tafenpah
Frederikus Suni Redaksi Tafenpah Salam kenal! Saya Frederikus Suni, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Siber Asia || Menekuni bidang Jurnalistik sejak 10 tahun lalu. || Saya pernah menjadi Jurnalis/Wartawan di Metasatu dan NTTPedia. Selain itu, saya juga berkolaborasi dengan salah satu Dosen dari Binus university dan Atma Jaya, terutama Proyek dari Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI, dalam pendistribusian berita ke Pemerintah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Saya juga pernah menjadi bagian dari Public Relation/PR sekaligus Copywriter dari Universitas Dian Nusantara (Undira) Tanjung Duren Jakarta Barat. Saat ini fokus mengembangkan portal pribadi saya TAFENPAH.COM dan juga menjadi kontributor di beberapa website tanah air, Kompasiana, Terbitkanbukugratis, Eskaber, PepNews, Lombokainsider. Tulisan saya juga beberapa kali dipublikasikan ulang di Saya juga menerima jasa pembuatan Website || Media sosial: YouTube: TAFENPAH GROUP || TikTok: TAFENPAH.COM || Instagram: @suni_fredy || Terkait Kerjasama dapat menghubungi saya melalui kontak ������ || WhatsApp: 082140319973 || Email:

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